Monday, December 29, 2014
Amsterdam to get Trolleybuses by 2017?
This is from the Trolleymotion website.
I believe it states that Amsterdam will start to experimenting with trolleybuses in 2017. The new lines will follow existing light rail lines because the overhead is already installed ( how about the extra wire for the return current?) and there will be off the wire battery capability. This is very interesting. I saw in a previous English translation of the article that Amsterdam only plans to purchase electric buses from now on. Does this mean mainly trolleybuses or battery buses?
While here in the United States years back trolleybus replacement meant the end of streetcars, I believe in Amsterdam, that some diesel buses will be converted to trolleybus and not that some tram lines will be converted. I hope so. How about also in New York?
trolley:planung - Amsterdam plant Einführung von Trolleybussen
22.12.14 - Ab 2017 sollen in Amsterdam Trolleybusse einen Teil der derzeitigen Gelenkdieselbusse ersetzen, so äußerte sich Alexandra van Huffelen, seit 1. Juni 2014 Direktor der GVB (Gemeente vervoerbedrijf, Betreiber des städtischen Straßenbahn- und Busnetzes der niederländischen Hauptstadt) Anfang Oktober 2014 in einem Radiointerview. Der Austausch der ersten 40 Dieselbusse ist im Jahr 2017 erforderlich, um die Umwelt zu schonen, sollen nur elektrische Busse beschafft werden. Dabei sollen Trassen genutzt werden, wo Busse und Straßenbahn gemeinsam verkehren, hier soll Oberleitung für ... mehr
Saturday, December 20, 2014
A Trip to Prague: Revisited
Hi Folks:
Several months ago I posted a short video about a trip to Prague in 1960. It had great music and the photography was something else, beautiful, taken at twilight. The Prague video from 1960 showed older equipment and some PCC type modern trams. I also posted below a video taken in 1958 which shows mainly new PCC equipment.
In may father's trip to Warsaw in 1920's, he described that passengers would hop on and off streetcars. In the 1960, you can see this very well and I forgot about this. You can see at points that the streetcar would not stop at all and that people would easily jump on or off. In fact, the cars at rush hour would have a lot of "hangers on". In the great clip in 1958, you see less of this with the more modern PCC equipment. You do see a man leaning out of an open PCC car door while the car is moving.
Every age has a style to it. Even though Prague was very isolated in the late 1950's and 1960's, you can see that there is a certain style that transcends cultures. I remember seeing a film called "Desk Set" (1958?) and certain elements of that style can be found in the 1958 Prague Clip.
In today's world, jumping on or off moving streetcars would probably be banned for the fear of law cases dealing with injuries. And these were not low floor streetcars. Enjoy both films, they are great to see. I believe that the Czechs love their streetcars today while in New York, they have been gone for about 58 years. Do not wait to see New Yorker's hanging on streetcars soon!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Interactive Map Test: Several Historic Points in Brooklyn
View Experiment: Transit Facilities in a full screen map
In the test below, I took some points along the 37th Street Corridor and Church Avenue and geocoded them. I then gave a description of the type of transit facility that was available. Thus at Church and McDonald, there is a subway station underground but this intersection had streetcar service until 1956. By moving west ( to the left ) on the map, you can see the remains of the historic railroad lines on the waterfront near 37-39th Streets.