Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Boston Trolley Bus System is in Danger

 Hi Folks:

  I cannot provide the link to this, but if you google the topics " In Motion Charging " and "trolleybus",  there is an individual that states that the transit authority is considering to end trolleybus service on local streets near Harvard and on the airport line.   The replacement vehicles will be clean diesel or hybrid.  They think that battery buses are almost perfected and that you do not need the wires anymore if you can have full electric service.  Told you that this was coming.   Boston Transit is not interested in "In Motion Charging."  Say good bye to the wires now.  This is what I saw on the web.  Not sure how true it is.  With the perfection of battery buses,  it was just a matter of time before the wires are not needed.

One Source: Streetsblog MASS

The T’s Electrification Plans Get Thrown Under A Diesel Bus