Friday, February 26, 2021

Will In Motion Charging Bring Back Trolleybuses to the United States?

 Hi Folks:

   Sorry that I did not write any more blogs recently.   I have not been myself since the epidemic began.  It seems that our new administration is stressing battery buses to save the environment.   The problem with battery buses it that they take long to recharge, are heavy and cannot provide sufficient juice in a cold environment and going up hills.  New York City and other large cities stated they are aiming to have high percentage of their fleets as battery buses before a certain year.   A great deal of the down time for thousands of buses could play havoc with scheduling.  A solution would be to wire part of the route and while the bus is under the wire, recharge the batteries.   This solution is not even talked about in New York.   Two trolley bus routes in South Philly were pulled and experiments were done with Proterra? Battery buses.   I think the experiment failed.  Snyder Avenue and Tasker-Morris may still have some of the wires and poles intact and they should consider establishing in motion charging trolley buses.

PS:  Extra electricity generated during braking can even be feed to the wires and be used by another trolleybus down the line.

Ciao:   Tramway - Null.