Thursday, January 19, 2012

Location of the PRW at the east end of the Church Avenue Trolley

Please find below the location of the Private Right of way that existed at the east end of the Church Avenue Trolley. This map was drawn by B. Linder and is found on Page 6 of the New York Division ERA Bulletin of August, 1979. For the information provided by the source above, it seems that the PRW was no longer used in 1928 and that the Hegeman Avenue street trackage was used instead. Also, the loop at Hegeman Aven;ue and Chester Street opened in 1938 so that single ended cars could be placed on the Church Avenue Line. PCC cars started to run on Church on February 11, 1951 probably as other streetcar lines were abandoned at that time.,178242&c=GIS1924&s=a:100,HEGEMAN+AVENUE,BROOKLYN It would be interesting to see what this private right of way looked like over the years. Copy the address above to your browser and see if you could hook up with the City of New York Department of Planning. It should bring you to a map centered at 100 Hegeman Avenue which is near the location of the PRW. See if you can bring up aerial photographs of the spot from 1924, 1951 and so on. As the years go by, the shadow of the PRW disappears. See the footprint of buildings today in the area. Tramway Null(0)

1 comment:

  1. This is the first test of comments, conducted Friday Jan. 20 at 8:21 am.
