Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New York Railways Track Plan Circa 1933

The above map comes from my archive of maps drawn by B. Linder.  It is from the January 1987 edition of the New York Division ERA Bulletin, Vol. 30, Number 1, page 3.   The map shows Manhattan Street Car Lines except for the Third Avenue Railway System from 100 Street to 32nd Street before abondonment.  The 42nd Street Crosstown line was owned by the Third Avenue Railway System and does not show up.  Anyway, you can see the profile of the line and the many interconnections. 
  1. The system was extensive
  2. The system was flexible
  3. Route extension could have been possible.
  4. In the early years of the 20th Century, the 42 Steet Line could have been extended to Queens by the Queensborough bridge for a short period of time.  This is not clearly shown on the map.

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