Friday, January 20, 2012

Thank you, Bernard Linder and ERA for your track maps! Church Avenue Line 1923-56

In this blog, I will be using a wonderful source. The New York Division  " Bulletin " of the Electric Railroader's Association produced in the 1970's streetcar trackage maps of almost all of the Brooklyn Trolley Lines.  I have many such maps.  These pen and ink drawing were drawn by Bernard Linder in connection with historical data provided by Edward B. Watson.  The first line that I will study is the Church Avenue Line and the data comes from the August 1979 (Vol 22 Number 8) and October 1977 (Vol 20 Number 5) of the New York Division Bulletin.  These pen drawings provide such much historical information that I believe is not available anyplace else.    The pictures show here come from Dave's Rail Pix and I all can I say that they provide so much to the analysis.

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