Saturday, March 3, 2012

Unusual Trolley Operations in Brooklyn

In noticed that one person is interested in Manhattan Beach Trolleys.  I was very lucky and I found an interesting item in my archive.  Of course, we are thankful to Bernard Linder for providing this source material.  I am sorry that I cannot provide a scan of the map at this time. 

The material comes from the New York Division Bulletin for December, 1984, Vol. 27, Number 12. and is titled "The Marine Railway Company" is found on pages 2 and 3.  The essential points are:
  1. The companies that ran this railroad were not your typical Brooklyn streetcar companies and were over three time periods:  Manhattan Beach Company, Manhattan Beach Estates and Manhattan Beach Park, Incorporated 1918-1923.
  2. From 1906 to August 7, 1913 a service was provided using trolley cars between Manhattan Beach and Brighton Beach using a private right of way that was formerly used by steam locomotives from 1878.  No track diagram provided.
  3. From August 7, 1913 a new service was started using battery cars form Oriental Boulevard and  Langham Street via Oriental Boulevard, Long Island Ralroad trackage near Corbin Place and parallel to West End Avenue to the Sheepshead Bay BMT subway station.  This Long Island Railroad trackage we discussed regarding the Sheepshead Bay Race Track.  The Manhattan Beach trackage was on the east side of the BMT Brighton Line embankment.  The terminal was a stub terminal at Voorhies Avenue on LIRR trackage, not BMT trackage.
  4. On April 27, 1921, the prior route was discontinued and a new route was established between Oriental Boulevard and Langham Street, Brighton Beach Avenue to Coney Island Avenue.  According to the track diagram that I saw, the Langham Street terminal was a one track stub terminal and the Coney Island Avenue terminal was two tracks that ended at a stub and was not connected to the Coney Island Avenue trolley that curved 90 degrees at that point.
  5. On June 10, 1923, this service was discontinued and service between Manhattan Beach and the Sheepshead Bay station was furnished by Plum Beach Auto Stage Company with buses from April, 1919.
  6. The Marine Railway trackage at its' last stage was probably not connected to any other streetcar line.  I wonder how the battery cars were maintained because the Linder track diagram shows no turnoff to a service area.
Thank you Bernard Linder for the material.  Scan perhaps to follow next week.

Tramway Null(0)

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