Monday, July 2, 2012

1924 Aerial Map shows where 5th Avenue El crossed the Fulton Street El

Location of crossing was at Hudson Avenue and Fulton Street.
This fine undated photo comes from the collection of George Conrad and can be accessed at and shows the Fulton Street - Flatbush Avenue intersection with the 5th Avenue El turning north to Hudson Avenue.

This undated photo is also from the same George Conrad Collection from the above noted website. Notice the I.R.T.  Nevins Street Subway entrance towards the left hand of the picture.  I believe this is a southbound train just leaving Hudson Avenue and turning east onto Flatbush Avenue.


  1. when was franklin ave converted into a one way street? the street. not the "El"

  2. Hi Anonymous:

    I do not have this information, but I do know that Franklin Avenue had two way trolleybus service either to 1959 or 7/27/60. So one way traffic had to come after trolleybus service ended because the trolleybuses were dependent on the wires. Perhaps you can contact Public Relations at New York City Department of Traffic or (Transportation) and they have this information on file.

    My best: Tramway Null(0)
