Friday, August 17, 2012

Montreal and Spokane Washington will look at or study Electric Trolleybuses

News Bulletin of the Edmonton Trolley Coalition
Sustainable Transit for Liveable Communities
Edited by Robert R. Clark, retired supervisor of transit planning

      In the United States and Canada, there is not much news in recent years regarding addtional cities interested in establishing new trolleybus systems.  There is some activity regarding fleet renewals in Seattle and elsewhere, but compared to light rail or tramway activity regarding new starts ups, the situation at least in North America was bleak.  Please see the link above published by the Edmonton Trolley Coalition regarding Montreal and Spokane, Washington.  Not all bus routes have the statistical numbers required for conversion to light rail or tramway and I hope that trolleybuses would fill a nitch.  Worldwide, new trolleybus start ups I believe have been slow as well, with some start ups in Italy and Saudi Arabia.  I think that it is very exciting that Montreal wants to establish big trolleybus system because it is our neighbor to the north and is very close to New York City.  Quebec is rich in hydo-electric resources and will use clean electricity to run it's fleet.  I am not sure about this, but New York City also may get some electric power from Quebec and it is natural that New York City should also consider trolleybus transport.  In fact, for a short period of time, perhaps 20 years ago, electric trolleybus service was considered for First and Second Avenues in Manhattan as a alternative to the Second Avenue subway.  Of course, nothing ever became of the proposal.

... and it may work well with e-trucks.

Tramway Null(0)

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