Friday, November 2, 2012

Hurricane Sandy causes much damage and suffering to the New York - New Jersey Region

As of now Friday November 1, 2012 at 3:25 pm, many people are without electric power and heat and many have had their homes destroyed or damaged.  In the map that I prepared some time ago, notice that some low elevation areas, such as Coney Island, the Rockaways and parts of Staten Island and Lower Manhattan have a color code that is just a few few above sea level. A sea surge would easily overflow into such areas destroying homes, lives and equipment.
I wonder if more New York City elevated lines remained intact, the transportation situation would have been better because perhaps elevated lines are less effected by water conditions.
The photo above came from the web and shows the IRT Broadway Line elevated station at 125th Street and Broadway,  the subject of an earlier posting.

Below are some pictures from the MTA showing the Cranberry Street Tunnel, which links Manhattan with Brooklyn under the East River flooded and being pumped out.  The Cranberry Street Tunnel is used by IND "A" and "C" trains and it is the underwater tunnel that I pass through to reach Manhattan each day.

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