Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Relative Position of New Jersey Light Rail and NY Subway and Elevations

In the map below, I brought in New Jersery Transit Light Rail Lines shape files and produced a map with New York Subway Lines and street elevations.  This map shows the relative positions of these three systems.

In the chart below, I used GEODA  (from University of Arizona) to calculate spatial position and the magnitude of New Jersey Earthquakes and the results show in this Moran's Analysis that knowing somewhat the position and magnitude of earthquake I can know it's neighbor.  Everything is spatially related.  "W-Magnitudes" is a weighted index created by spatial position.

Those readings in the upper right quadrant which are high correlates with corrected weighted index magnitudes are related to other readings in Northern New Jersey.

Each circle is one earthquake reading in NJ.

In the analysis below, more data was provided using a New Jersey elevation file.  To create the spatial join, I asked the program to assign an elevation to any quake site within 5000 feet of known contour line if available.  The multivariable Moran's I shows that there is a spatial relationship between one quake area and another and that there is a relation between quake magnitude and elevation.  In this case negative.  All this is theoretical, I am not a geologist or spatial environmental scientist. I am just playing with the programs.

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