Friday, March 29, 2013

Track Layout: Williamsburg Bridge 1948

This picture, although it is not clear, was taken by George Conrad on 8/8/48 and is posted in the website.  In the picture, you can see a BMT Standard Jamaica Line train on the bridge and to the left of the train you can see an older type of streetcar headed towards the Delancey Street terminal which is underground.  I have not come across many pictures of subway trains and trolley cars on the Wiliamsburg Bridge together and I wanted to share it.  In a earlier posting, I posted a video clip of the 1940's classic "Naked City" which was filmed around this time on the bridge but I did not get a glipse of the streetcar right of way, although there were plenty of BMT standards in the video.  Unfortunately, in the New York City area, there are no plans to reinstate trolley cars on bridges that formerly had them.

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