Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Position of Smith Street Gas Tank as seen from Smith-9th Street IND Station

In the clip below, which is taken from Roger Arcara's video dealing with the New York Subway from 1940 to the 1970's  I captured the relative position of the gas tank versus the station.  You are looking at the extreme north end of the northbound (towards Manhattan) platform with the adjustable gas tank in the background.  The gas tank was higher than the station.   Though not shown in this clip, the video in this segment showed IND R1-9 cars in "D" train service.  So this had to be between 1954 and 1967.
 No one light a match, please.   The second photo is a 1951 Aerial of the area.  The red line is the line of sight from the gas tanks western face to the most northern point on the Smith-9th Street Manhattan bound platform.  The position of the pictures seems correct.

I am having trouble placing the aerial.  Please scroll down not to miss it.

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