Monday, January 6, 2014

Question About Interlocking at the Brooklyn Bridge

  A few weeks ago, a reader raised a question regarding the interlocking on the Fulton Street El near the Brooklyn Bridge where the tracks divide into the Kings County Station and the Fulton Ferry Station.  According to the map, the interlocking was removed from service on January 22, 1934.  Please see below part of a article titled " Two Brooklyn Elevated Lines Opened 120 Years Ago   ".    This is an article by Bernard Linder in the Vol. 51, No. 4 (April, 2008) edition of  "The Bulletin" of the New York Division, Electric Railroaders' Association.   As shown by the article, the Fulton Ferry Station was used only until May 31, 1940.  Does this mean that service was still provided even though the interlocking was removed years before?  Page 3 also has interesting information about the "C" type of wooden elevated car that was used on some of the elevated lines in Brooklyn.  Notice that the "C" types had originally two sets of doors only in the middle of the car but the fleet was altered with doors placed more towards the ends.  It is funny, that the doors on the "C" types appear similar to the sliding doors on the "D" Type articulated units of the BMT subway.  Wooden elevated cars provided some service on the Culver Line south of Ninth Avenue right up to 1954 when the southern portion was converted to Independent Subway Service.  Notice a train of "C" types in Culver Express service on the middle track at the Avenue P station.  Notice the wood and glass wind screens adjacent to the platform.

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