Friday, February 28, 2014

Area Around Pelham Bay Park Today

  In the ARCGIS map attached, I brought in some railroad shape files and some other files dealing with subway routes, bus routes from 2008 and  an elevation contour file.  You can see the approximate location where the Bartow Station on the New Haven Railroad was located.  Much land fill and development took place over the last 100 years, including the development of Co-Op City.  The area between the New England Thruway and the Hutchinson River Parkway used to be "Freedomland", many decades ago.   "Freedomland" was an amusement area and I saw someplace, and I cannot prove it, there were plans to bring a trolley with overhead wires to the area.  Of course, nothing came of this plan.  Other parts of the area was used as a New York City Sanitation Department landfill which produced a small "hill".  You can also see the "Dyre Avenue Line" that tookover  the right of way of an interesting past railroad operation.

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