Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fulton Street (Brooklyn) "L" Track Plans - 1912

Source:  Linder, B. "Fulton Street 'L' - Track Plans", In New York Division Bulletin, Electric Railroader' Association, Vol. 38, No. 1,  January, 1995, pp.2-4.

For those of you that would like to do research and see the early track plans of the Fulton Street Line in Brooklyn in 1912, please see below.  Notice the Fulton Ferry stub which was very close to the Ferry Line to Manhattan.  The Sands Street station was multilevel and very interesting.  Take a look at "Manhattan Junction" station in 1912.  Some of you are interested in the "Franklin Shuttle" and you can see the prior connection of the "Brighton Line" to the Fulton Street El at the "Franklin Avenue Station".  Parts of the original line at this intersection lasted until the last rebuilding of the line  (Franklin Avenue Shuttle) several years ago.  The structure at Sands Street was complicated and the map does not show the ramp in which streetcars joined the structure for accessing the Brooklyn Bridge.


  1. Jeff, These are great maps. I've seen some of them before, and wondered why the Eastern Parkway station seems to be further south than Atlantic Avenue. I eventually saw, on maps dating from about 1907, that the Eastern Parkway in that map is actually Pitkin Avenue. Even today, Pitkiin Avenue's house numbers continue those of Eastern Parkway. Therefore the Fulton Street El had a Pitkin Avenue station just north of the turnoff to Pitkin Avenue. On slightly later maps the name Eastern Parkway covered the same territory it does today, plus Highland Boulevard. This probably explains the high house numbers (26nn) on Robert Street, which is an alley parallel to Highland Boulevard one block to the north, and whose lots extend all the way from Robert Street to Highland Boulevard.

  2. Thanks Bob, for your contribution. I am not that familiar with the Eastern Division compared to the Southern Division of the BMT.

    Hi Bob:
    Thanks for your contribution. I am less familiar with the Eastern Division of the BMT compared to the Southern Division. I know that the eastern portion of the Fulton Street Line was rebuilt to "Dual Contract" standards. Thank you also for the street analysis. If I find anything interesting, I will post it.
    Tramway Null(0)

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  3. Thanks for this post, Tramway!! It solves the mystery of the Eastern Parkway station. I travel on the L daily and wonder how could a station be build on this structure sharing with the Fulton Street Line. Viewing the structure today, you will see that the Atlantic station is elevated higher than Sutter ave or Broadway Junction. This is explained by the Dual Contracts that restructured the Lines to meet. The map you presented only makes sense if this was the configuration before the Dual Contracts. There is a slight regiment of the Eastern Parkway station still in existence. It serves as one of the support ramps for the North bound L as that route climbs the incline. As you know, that particular ROW was built once the Row under the Fulton El leading to Hinsdale then making a "S" turn was removed in 2004. Mostly like the Fulton El was lower than the present day Atlantic station would suggest.

    1. Hi Glen:
      Thanks for your post. The Eastern Division is not my forte and I am glad that you have much knowledge. By the way, some time ago I looked at my archive and I saw an article written by B. Linder (RIP). He said that do to extensive reconstruction of the el structure at Broadway Junction for the Dual Contracts, a lot of iron work was surplus. At this time, the BRT was extending the Culver El on Gravesend Avenue to Coney Island and was running out of money. The solution was to use the old iron fragments from the Fulton Street El at Broadway Junction and use it on the structure south of Avenue X to near West 8th Street. You can see the lattice type of structure today.
      Thanks, Tramway Null(0)
