Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Please Do Not Light a Match!

Source:  Conrad Collection from Link Below:,_Subway,_Experimental)

  This photo, taken from from the Conrad Collection shows a train of BMT B Types crossing the bridge over the Coney Island Creek.  This may be a West End train because usually Sea Beach trains, which formerly shared the same trackage, had Type D Triplex Cars.  This picture is undated and I would like to say, that before the right of way was extended with two additional tracks, perhaps in the late 1960's, I remember the bridge was much closer to the water.  Perhaps this photo is from the 30's or 40's and a different bridge was located there.  At any rate, notice how close the gas tanks were to the tracks.  I have a lesser recollection of the gas tank to the right, which was of the more flexible one.  As a Sea Beach or West End train approached very close to the tanks, the tanks really looked huge.  I was always afraid of an explosion perhaps from the arcing of the third rail.
The bridge shown was of the movable type that can open; when the two additional tracks were added, the new tracks are not movable for boat traffic.  It is unlikely that you will find fish in these waters, so remember, do not light up.

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