Friday, July 24, 2015

Two Additional Maps

The above map was produced in ARCGIS using New York State Hudson River study shape files.  This is a contour map at the end of the study at the Narrows Bridge.  I am bringing it in here because in the 1920's, the BMT started construction of a underwater tunnel to Staten Island around this spot.  While I am not sure if the right of way would have been at the location of the map above, the water depths that had to been dealt with are shown.  Depths are in meters.

  Using an updated  version of  GRASS Geospatial, a roughness index was constructed  The whiter the image, the more rougher is the surface.  Subway lines given in green.  Notice that in western Brooklyn, the two rough spots are Greenwood Cemetery and Prospect Park.  A contour profile was used as the basis of this map.  The line where the Glacier stopped years ago can be seen.

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