Wednesday, August 26, 2015

More Neptune Tower and Staten Island Ferris Wheel Maps

In this GRASS 6.4.1 map dealing with visibility functions based on raster height files, the lighter blue circle on the left, which shows the visibility from the top of the proposed Ferris Wheel, touches the darker blue visibility path from the 470' proposed tower on Neptune Avenue Brooklyn.  As I was constructing these maps, I discovered that the range in meters effects the size of the circles, so the results may not be accurate. The ranges here are either the default 10,000 meters or 20, 2000 meters.

  In this map, I brought in the surface elevation in 3-D.  I also increased the range of the Neptune visibility to 50 to 60,000 meters.  Notice that the right circle appears to be bigger. It appears that on the surface, if no other buildings existed, the western shore of Brooklyn near the Narrows Bridge will have both the Ferris Wheel and the new tower visible. Notice how the elevation in northern Staten Island effects the visibility of the Ferris Wheel.

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