Friday, September 18, 2015

New Subway Station Opens at 11th Avenue - 34th Street Manhattan

Last Sunday, a new subway station opened at 34th Street and 11th Avenue for the # 7 Flushing Line.  This extension is about 1.5 miles long and does not include an intermediate station.  There has been some talk on Subchat about the elevation of the area.  I was not able to obtain a shapefile containing the new extension.  I believe the tunnel built is continuously downhill .  Please see the map attached:

  In this map, in which the subway extension is not shown, the Flushing line ends at 41st Street and 7th Avenue  (short purple line).  I placed a label "  34th Street - 11 Avenue" on the map at the general location of the new station.  The elevation contour layer is measured in feet.  I also brought in a map of the Hudson River (yellow) without listing the depth.  The range appears to be approx. 62 feet to 15 feet at 34th Street.   It is a little difficult to read the altitudes, I should have made the font bigger!

To be continued....

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