Friday, January 15, 2016

Philadelphia Transportation Map with NJ Earthquake Sites in NJ

  The above map was produced in QGIS.  I was able to bring in the Rutger's University Map Lab shape files dealing with earthquakes in New Jersey.  In the lower right of the map, several earthquake sites are shown as red dots that are numbered.  The transit and typology map is an add on that is available in QGIS.  The Philadelphia area is not only rich in American history, but it has a nice selection of forms of transit that this blog is interested in.  Although Philadelphia has lost much of its' surface electric transit, some remain and perhaps some of it will be upgraded.  I wish the city luck.

Tramway Null(0)

This map produced in QGIS shows the earthquake sites Number 4 and 84 very close to the Burlington Pike.  This site is just northwest of the highway and 430 meters from the Florence station of the River Light Rail Line.   Earthquake reference  number 4 occurred in the 1800's an number 84 in 1986.  The two earthquakes were of low magnitude.  This is a rural area.

This is the Florence station on the River Line.  This image was obtained from a plug in in QGIS and shows the surface view at any road point chosen on the above map.  This station is about 430 meters away from the earthquake sites(s) slightly to the east.

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