Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Brooklyn Journey to Work by Streetcar: Part II: Including aggregate travel time in Minutes

In the previous map above, dealing with numbers of individuals using streetcar or trolley to get to work recently raises a question:   Do they mean bus instead of streetcar, or perhaps they do have long journeys to work and need to use the Newark Subway, or other light rail lines (Hudson-Bergen) or Philadelphia lines as well?  This would make for very long travel times.  Using "R",  I was able to bring in the American Community Survey of travel times in minutes, arranged by Census Tract.   A description of the material can be found in Census Reporter B08136_009 table that I brought in.
Through various steps, of converting the "R" data to an EXCEL file, geocoded it and brought it into ARCGIS,   I was able to add a new layer to my original map.   The B08136-009 table has a lot of "NA's", so I had to convert these to 0's so ARCGIS can use these values.  Sample of table produced from the ACS for Brooklyn is shown below:

Simple feature collection with 761 features and 5 fields
geometry type:  MULTIPOLYGON
dimension:      XY
bbox:           xmin: -74.04241 ymin: 40.56677 xmax: -73.83304 ymax: 40.7394
epsg (SRID):    4269
proj4string:    +proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs
First 20 features:
         GEOID                                       NAME   variable estimate   moe                       geometry
1  36047000301  Census Tract 3.01, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.00025 4...
2  36047003100    Census Tract 31, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.982512 ...
3  36047004100    Census Tract 41, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.987 40....
4  36047005602 Census Tract 56.02, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.037068 ...
5  36047006200    Census Tract 62, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.033389 ...
6  36047006700    Census Tract 67, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.999725 ...
7  36047007600    Census Tract 76, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.016651 ...
8  36047008400    Census Tract 84, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.007977 ...
9  36047010400   Census Tract 104, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.011154 ...
10 36047012100   Census Tract 121, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.993379 ...
11 36047013500   Census Tract 135, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.985707 ...
12 36047015000   Census Tract 150, Kings County, New York B08136_009     9530  4202 MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.013926 ...
13 36047017000   Census Tract 170, Kings County, New York B08136_009    39560 10566 MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.017019 ...
14 36047017900   Census Tract 179, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.974281 ...
15 36047019200   Census Tract 192, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.001931 ...
16 36047020000   Census Tract 200, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.01142 4...
17 36047021400   Census Tract 214, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.005564 ...
18 36047022900   Census Tract 229, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.959568 ...
19 36047024300   Census Tract 243, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.955122 ...
20 36047025600   Census Tract 256, Kings County, New York B08136_009       NA    NA MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.988688 ...

My theory for this map is that streetcar usage should be tied with long trips.  In the legend, length of journey in minutes, I tried to show this by using stripes.  Only some polygons are showing using trolleys as a mode also having long travel times (stripes with an orange  background Census Tract).
The bottom line is that we cannot say that use of streetcars as a mode for today's Brooklynites is a  mistake, or one of the travel modes of Brooklynites that work in Newark and other cities in New Jersey or elsewhere.

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