Thursday, August 2, 2018

Russian R-1 Tram Abandoned

Hi Folks:

 Remember in 2014 news came out about a very futuristic Russian tram that was about to go into production.    I just found out (see link above) that the project in 2017 was abandoned because the tram would be very difficult to build and maintain because of its' layout.   Also for this new car, the current trucks {bogies?) would not work.  The Staten Island Ferris Wheel, also something new, seems to be also dead due to legal or financial reasons

It was a beautiful tram.   Shows that form and function do not always follow.  The car looked beautiful but would be very difficult to build and operate.   Good luck to the designers in the future. Some of us here in New York City would be happy if we were able to have a heritage trolley using old, Russian, or any other tram cars from somewhere in the world such as second hand equipment running a few hundred meters.  It does not look like it will happen.  If the Russian R-1 design was successful in being a good operating streetcar, many new communities would have taken a look at trams for city transit.

Good luck next time,
Tramway Null(0)

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