Friday, September 13, 2019

Germany may be Planning to convert 631 Miles of the Autobahn for Trolley Truck Use

Hi Folks:

   I saw this today.  The ongoing experiment in Germany with trolleytrucks will last until 2022. If successful, and if money is available, many miles of road will be converted,     I believe it was mentioned in the article that the overhead may be used by other vehicles for charging (in motion charging).   This would imply that a smaller truck with batteries if equipped with overhead can use the overhead for a charge and then leave the highway and proceed a long way without wires.  How about interurban service using trolleybuses as well?   But I think the overhead will need to be redesigned for use by trolley buses and trolley trucks.
Tramway Null(0)

From International Business Times:  Wesley Dockey, 5/14/19

DW reported that Germany could be planning to convert 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) of its 13,000 (8,077) Autobahn highway system into electric highways for hybrid trucks.

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